. Ba Zi - Four Pillars of Destiny
Ba Zi – the Four Pillars of Destiny – a Chinese form of birth date analysis and interpretation, is a map of life used to comprehend a person’s potential and specify the external factors that shape the reality. It is the key to recognising our own nature, identity and values. Ba Zi helps us to make the right choices that initiate the changes we seek. It allows for clear assessment of the situation and analysis of available options. Ba Zi is our life coach, revealing our unique mission in life and individual way of attaining it. Ba Zi supports anyone who wishes to go through life intelligently and consciously. Through Ba Zi analysis, we can understand how to become the best version of ourselves, how to create the future we desire, and what should be done to achieve the sense of self-fulfilment.

What is
Ba Zi?More
Ba Zi is a science based on the Asian theory of five elements. It has been practised in Asia since the Tang Dynasty (618–907) and allows for identifying human potential based on date of birth.
Ba Zi is a map of life and a complete system of complex relationships. It will help you to understand who you really are, discover previously unknown possibilities in your life, and direct your life in such a way to make a sense of self-fulfilment and satisfaction your own experience.
Why do you act in this and no other way? What are your hidden talents? How should you turn an idea into a prosperous business? Do you have abilities that could be useful to a larger group of people or to the world? How can you make relationships take on a new dimension and value? These are just a few of the many questions for which Ba Zi – just like a user manual – provides comprehensive answers. Ba Zi consultation is based on analysis of the four components of date of birth: year, month, day and hour. Each of the parts forms a pillar made up of a pair of the following elements described by Chinese characters: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This science is also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny.
The client’s chart is subject to the following evaluation:
- The Static Chart – examines and analyses the available potential in the areas of health, human relationships, career and wealth
- The Dynamic Chart – forecasts the future in 10-year, annual and monthly cycles
A life map is created through the interpretation of a chart with the mutual interaction of the five elements. Ba Zi analysis helps clients make decisions on whether to remain in their current job or continue an existing career path, whether to build a business by themselves or form a partnership, whether to stay in a relationship, who is helpful or who is a mentor, who or what is responsible for creating stressful situations, and what comes into and goes out of their life.The information helps them improve their work performance, strengthen relationships with others, maximise their talents and opportunities, overcome weaknesses, and make deliberate and thoughtful decisions.
The Dynamic Chart Ba ZiSource: www.chinesemetasoft.comHere is some of the information generated from a Ba Zi natal chart:
- personal qualities, traits and talents
- family relationships
- children and their well-being
- the results of activities and life decisions
- the ability to gather and manage financial means
- health problems and possible illnesses
- relationships with the community and friends
- relationships with superiors and subordinates
- perspectives relating to career and employment
A Ba Zi session is a confidential consultation and discussion based on the interpretation of the birth date chart in the four aspects of life – health, human relationships, career, and wealth – together with the answers to all relevant questions. The session focuses on presenting real solutions as well as providing advise based on the current situation. It allows a client to see the possibilities, available options and possible risks. It also determines how to prepare for them and use or avoid them in the best possible way.
Regardless of your current situation, if you want to take an action and make a choice, there is always a chance for a positive change in your life. Each person is born with a specific potential and life path that generates certain results and achievements. When this potential is properly analysed and understood with the use of Ba Zi, constructive help may be possible.
Applications of
Ba ziMore
An analysis of Ba Zi provides a detailed and logical description of an individual’s potential and defines desirable ways of directing it to achieve the most satisfactory results. Ba Zi is a guide that helps you to make the right decisions to improve your life and plan the future, reducing adversity to a minimum. Ba Zi defines possibilities, builds up awareness, reveals the unique mission of life and determines individual ways to achieve this. Ba Zi is a combination of self-improvement, relevant choices and intelligent decisions that bring a long-lasting result.
Personal Coaching
Amongst many other issues Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- talent and potential and the time needed for their activation and development
- weak points or limitations and the recommended methods to overcome them
- the resources of the individual potential in life and the available options of its orientation
- the results of decisions and actions taken within a specified period of time
- the time prescribed to reach desired success and prosperity
- the methods and time needed for continuous self-improvement and the successful implementation of new ideas to achieve the expected results
- strategies that help close the gap between where you are now and what you would like to achieve in the future
The main idea of Ba Zi – Personal Coaching is to dedicate your time and stay committed to investing in your largest resource – yourself.
Career, Business and Financial Coaching
Amongst many other issues Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- professional aptitude and the type of business suitable to develop existing skills
- the types of skills related to science, business, commerce, languages, negotiations or creativity
- the positions suitable for the individual
- the conditions and methods of smooth cooperation
- the skills needed to operate a business independently
- favourable and unfavourable times for company operations
- the estimated time needed to start your own business or to register your company
- the scope, stages and time required to make explicit decisions
- the compatibility of business partners
- the possibilities of accumulating the necessary funds together with the way of managing the current financial situation
- how to set clear targets and specify methods for their realisation
Relationship Coaching
Amongst many other issues, Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- partner's compatibility
- personal relationships with a partner, children, parents or siblings
- solving problems to increase the sense of harmony and relieve anxiety
- the personal traits that help determine the positive and negative aspects of staying in the relationship and how to work on them
- the nature of relationships with friends and the external world
- clear interpretations of person’s relationship with the environment, leading to better choices and decisions
- a better understanding of someone’s motivations in order to align them with the motivations of their partner
- predispositions of a child such as personality, potential and talents, so that parents can recognise and give direction to the child’s abilities and interests
Profiling and Recruitment Assessment
Amongst many other issues, Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- the candidate’s line of business, suitable position and professional aptitude
- commercial, business, scientific, negotiation and creative thinking skills
- predisposition necessary for leadership of the company and the definition of who can operate as an independent specialist or a member of a larger group
- communication skills, interpersonal skills and personality traits such as conscientiousness, perseverance, loyalty, the ability to take risks, confidence levels, problem-solving abilities and self-reliance
- the style in which the candidate reacts with the environment: if the candidate is a goal-oriented individual or prefers direct contact with people; whether they are the right person for staff management; whether they work routinely or spontaneously
Ba Zi Career Coaching helps human resources (HR) departments and recruitment companies make accurate decisions when selecting candidates, by recognising their motivations and knowing how to guide them.
Nowadays, most large corporations use psychological and IQ tests in the recruiting for key roles. These tests are designed to verify the candidate’s skills and suitability to fill a vacancy. Ba Zi has been used as a recruitment and complementary technique by HR departments, recruitment agencies and headhunting agencies for many years, specifically in Hong Kong, Singapore, in Asian-controlled corporations, and also in the Middle East and Western European countries.
The advantage of this technique is its precision in choosing a candidate whose cooperation with immediate superiors will be the most effective. In every organisation, one of the most important priorities is the harmonious collaboration between the supervisor and the employee. This is particularly important at the management level, where the avoidance of confrontation, teamwork and compliance of characters can improve work efficiency and increase the productivity of the entire team.
Another interesting use of Ba Zi in recruitment processes is to ensure that the potential employee is at the optimal point of their professional career and that their enthusiasm, professionalism, skills and acquired knowledge will effectively contribute to the success of the whole organisation.
Ba Zi facilitates the selection of the most appropriate employee from the final list of candidates. Ba Zi analysis of the candidate’s profile also reduces the time required for choosing the right person and inviting them for final interview.
Ba Zi does not eliminate the traditional recruitment methods, but significantly speeds it up.
The Four Pillars of Destiny allow us to understand specific relations in human lives and the way they affect human behaviour and interactions. The range of issues examined with the use of Ba Zi is broad, so this area of Chinese Metaphysics can help with making better decisions to design the life we desire. The Sages of the Middle Kingdom have bequeathed Ba Zi – a system that constantly generates numerous questions and provides accurate answers. For many people, Ba Zi remains a mystery and for this reason we have provided answers to the most relevant questions below. Some of these questions require additional explanations that will be tackled in a later blog post.
Is Ba Zi fortune-telling?
Ba Zi is not fortune-telling, it is not used for entertainment purposes, and it does not have any negative connotations. On the contrary, Ba Zi is a useful tool to help understand, plan or undertake certain activities and to achieve in life. Ba Zi is an analysis of life from both weak and strong perspectives. It allows for the assessment of opportunities and potential and the consideration of possible threats. Ba Zi can help someone move freely and easily through the labyrinth of life by taking advantage of the opportunities available. In practice, a Ba Zi analysis provides answers to the following questions:
- Am I strong enough to take advantage of the given opportunity?
- Am I strong enough to avoid any threats?
- Do my weaknesses limit my ability to take advantage of the given opportunity?
- Do my weaknesses increase the risk from any threat?
Ba Zi allows for self-improvement in such a way that you avoid repeating mistakes, through understanding the actions and schemes that were the direct cause of such mistakes.
Does everyone have a Ba Zi chart?
Yes, each person has a Ba Zi chart made based on their date and hour of birth. The chart reflects the interaction of the five elements wood, fire, earth, metal, water, with the Yin and Yang polarization.
Is Ba Zi a form of Chinese Astrology?
Ba Zi is not a form of Chinese Astrology in the generally accepted sense. Chinese Astrology is primarily a description of animal signs: their positive and negative traits, and a standard interpretation according to which, for example, the Rabbit is gentle, polite and generous while the Dragon is strong, ambitious and tends to be a leader. Thus understood, Chinese Astrology takes into account only the year of birth described with an animal sign, and information about a favourable or unfavourable calendar year in magazines or the mass media is usually incomplete and does not provide constructive advise for a specific person. Real Chinese Astrology based on the Ba Zi or Zi Wei Dou Shu reading is a complex and logical interpretation based on the full date of birth (year, month, day and the time of birth). Only in such a way may it be considered a reliable forecast that provides maximum information.
Is destiny a synonym of fate?
No, this is not the same.
Fate means everything that has been given to us without the possibility of making a choice. It has been assigned to us by the Supreme Force. For example, this is the family you were given in the world, the environment in which you found yourself, and the people you meet. Destiny means everything you will do with what has been presented to you – so the people you meet, the environment you live in and the choices you make. Destiny is created by you through the will to act and to control your life. It is not written in the stars. You can create your destiny by learning Ba Zi and subsequently take the right decisions or refrain from any doubtful actions, which means such decisions that will help you achieve certain results or avoid any negative consequences.Is Ba Zi analysis accurate?
The interpretation of the Ba Zi chart is extremely accurate in terms of definition of the character traits, abilities, the result of executed activities, and the possible barriers that should be considered. In addition, Ba Zi precisely describes available options in resolving any problem, because it is possible, through the interpretation of a person’s character traits, to show the direction in which they should be oriented based on their reaction to the problematic situation. It is essential that during a consultation the client is honest and genuine in presenting their circumstances, so that I can interpret the existing problem precisely and come up with a constructive solution.
Ba Zi is a science based on the Asian theory of five elements. It has been practised in Asia since the Tang Dynasty (618–907) and allows for identifying human potential based on date of birth.
Ba Zi is a map of life and a complete system of complex relationships. It will help you to understand who you really are, discover previously unknown possibilities in your life, and direct your life in such a way to make a sense of self-fulfilment and satisfaction your own experience.
Why do you act in this and no other way? What are your hidden talents? How should you turn an idea into a prosperous business? Do you have abilities that could be useful to a larger group of people or to the world? How can you make relationships take on a new dimension and value? These are just a few of the many questions for which Ba Zi – just like a user manual – provides comprehensive answers. Ba Zi consultation is based on analysis of the four components of date of birth: year, month, day and hour. Each of the parts forms a pillar made up of a pair of the following elements described by Chinese characters: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. This science is also known as the Four Pillars of Destiny.
The client’s chart is subject to the following evaluation:
- The Static Chart – examines and analyses the available potential in the areas of health, human relationships, career and wealth
- The Dynamic Chart – forecasts the future in 10-year, annual and monthly cycles
A life map is created through the interpretation of a chart with the mutual interaction of the five elements. Ba Zi analysis helps clients make decisions on whether to remain in their current job or continue an existing career path, whether to build a business by themselves or form a partnership, whether to stay in a relationship, who is helpful or who is a mentor, who or what is responsible for creating stressful situations, and what comes into and goes out of their life.The information helps them improve their work performance, strengthen relationships with others, maximise their talents and opportunities, overcome weaknesses, and make deliberate and thoughtful decisions.
The Dynamic Chart Ba ZiSource: www.chinesemetasoft.comHere is some of the information generated from a Ba Zi natal chart:
- personal qualities, traits and talents
- family relationships
- children and their well-being
- the results of activities and life decisions
- the ability to gather and manage financial means
- health problems and possible illnesses
- relationships with the community and friends
- relationships with superiors and subordinates
- perspectives relating to career and employment
A Ba Zi session is a confidential consultation and discussion based on the interpretation of the birth date chart in the four aspects of life – health, human relationships, career, and wealth – together with the answers to all relevant questions. The session focuses on presenting real solutions as well as providing advise based on the current situation. It allows a client to see the possibilities, available options and possible risks. It also determines how to prepare for them and use or avoid them in the best possible way.
Regardless of your current situation, if you want to take an action and make a choice, there is always a chance for a positive change in your life. Each person is born with a specific potential and life path that generates certain results and achievements. When this potential is properly analysed and understood with the use of Ba Zi, constructive help may be possible.
An analysis of Ba Zi provides a detailed and logical description of an individual’s potential and defines desirable ways of directing it to achieve the most satisfactory results. Ba Zi is a guide that helps you to make the right decisions to improve your life and plan the future, reducing adversity to a minimum. Ba Zi defines possibilities, builds up awareness, reveals the unique mission of life and determines individual ways to achieve this. Ba Zi is a combination of self-improvement, relevant choices and intelligent decisions that bring a long-lasting result.
Personal Coaching
Amongst many other issues Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- talent and potential and the time needed for their activation and development
- weak points or limitations and the recommended methods to overcome them
- the resources of the individual potential in life and the available options of its orientation
- the results of decisions and actions taken within a specified period of time
- the time prescribed to reach desired success and prosperity
- the methods and time needed for continuous self-improvement and the successful implementation of new ideas to achieve the expected results
- strategies that help close the gap between where you are now and what you would like to achieve in the future
The main idea of Ba Zi – Personal Coaching is to dedicate your time and stay committed to investing in your largest resource – yourself.
Career, Business and Financial Coaching
Amongst many other issues Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- professional aptitude and the type of business suitable to develop existing skills
- the types of skills related to science, business, commerce, languages, negotiations or creativity
- the positions suitable for the individual
- the conditions and methods of smooth cooperation
- the skills needed to operate a business independently
- favourable and unfavourable times for company operations
- the estimated time needed to start your own business or to register your company
- the scope, stages and time required to make explicit decisions
- the compatibility of business partners
- the possibilities of accumulating the necessary funds together with the way of managing the current financial situation
- how to set clear targets and specify methods for their realisation
Relationship Coaching
Amongst many other issues, Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- partner's compatibility
- personal relationships with a partner, children, parents or siblings
- solving problems to increase the sense of harmony and relieve anxiety
- the personal traits that help determine the positive and negative aspects of staying in the relationship and how to work on them
- the nature of relationships with friends and the external world
- clear interpretations of person’s relationship with the environment, leading to better choices and decisions
- a better understanding of someone’s motivations in order to align them with the motivations of their partner
- predispositions of a child such as personality, potential and talents, so that parents can recognise and give direction to the child’s abilities and interests
Profiling and Recruitment Assessment
Amongst many other issues, Ba Zi addresses the following features and attributes:- the candidate’s line of business, suitable position and professional aptitude
- commercial, business, scientific, negotiation and creative thinking skills
- predisposition necessary for leadership of the company and the definition of who can operate as an independent specialist or a member of a larger group
- communication skills, interpersonal skills and personality traits such as conscientiousness, perseverance, loyalty, the ability to take risks, confidence levels, problem-solving abilities and self-reliance
- the style in which the candidate reacts with the environment: if the candidate is a goal-oriented individual or prefers direct contact with people; whether they are the right person for staff management; whether they work routinely or spontaneously
Ba Zi Career Coaching helps human resources (HR) departments and recruitment companies make accurate decisions when selecting candidates, by recognising their motivations and knowing how to guide them.
Nowadays, most large corporations use psychological and IQ tests in the recruiting for key roles. These tests are designed to verify the candidate’s skills and suitability to fill a vacancy. Ba Zi has been used as a recruitment and complementary technique by HR departments, recruitment agencies and headhunting agencies for many years, specifically in Hong Kong, Singapore, in Asian-controlled corporations, and also in the Middle East and Western European countries.
The advantage of this technique is its precision in choosing a candidate whose cooperation with immediate superiors will be the most effective. In every organisation, one of the most important priorities is the harmonious collaboration between the supervisor and the employee. This is particularly important at the management level, where the avoidance of confrontation, teamwork and compliance of characters can improve work efficiency and increase the productivity of the entire team.
Another interesting use of Ba Zi in recruitment processes is to ensure that the potential employee is at the optimal point of their professional career and that their enthusiasm, professionalism, skills and acquired knowledge will effectively contribute to the success of the whole organisation.
Ba Zi facilitates the selection of the most appropriate employee from the final list of candidates. Ba Zi analysis of the candidate’s profile also reduces the time required for choosing the right person and inviting them for final interview.
Ba Zi does not eliminate the traditional recruitment methods, but significantly speeds it up.
The Four Pillars of Destiny allow us to understand specific relations in human lives and the way they affect human behaviour and interactions. The range of issues examined with the use of Ba Zi is broad, so this area of Chinese Metaphysics can help with making better decisions to design the life we desire. The Sages of the Middle Kingdom have bequeathed Ba Zi – a system that constantly generates numerous questions and provides accurate answers. For many people, Ba Zi remains a mystery and for this reason we have provided answers to the most relevant questions below. Some of these questions require additional explanations that will be tackled in a later blog post.
Is Ba Zi fortune-telling?
Ba Zi is not fortune-telling, it is not used for entertainment purposes, and it does not have any negative connotations. On the contrary, Ba Zi is a useful tool to help understand, plan or undertake certain activities and to achieve in life. Ba Zi is an analysis of life from both weak and strong perspectives. It allows for the assessment of opportunities and potential and the consideration of possible threats. Ba Zi can help someone move freely and easily through the labyrinth of life by taking advantage of the opportunities available. In practice, a Ba Zi analysis provides answers to the following questions:
- Am I strong enough to take advantage of the given opportunity?
- Am I strong enough to avoid any threats?
- Do my weaknesses limit my ability to take advantage of the given opportunity?
- Do my weaknesses increase the risk from any threat?
Ba Zi allows for self-improvement in such a way that you avoid repeating mistakes, through understanding the actions and schemes that were the direct cause of such mistakes.
Does everyone have a Ba Zi chart?
Yes, each person has a Ba Zi chart made based on their date and hour of birth. The chart reflects the interaction of the five elements wood, fire, earth, metal, water, with the Yin and Yang polarization.
Is Ba Zi a form of Chinese Astrology?
Ba Zi is not a form of Chinese Astrology in the generally accepted sense. Chinese Astrology is primarily a description of animal signs: their positive and negative traits, and a standard interpretation according to which, for example, the Rabbit is gentle, polite and generous while the Dragon is strong, ambitious and tends to be a leader. Thus understood, Chinese Astrology takes into account only the year of birth described with an animal sign, and information about a favourable or unfavourable calendar year in magazines or the mass media is usually incomplete and does not provide constructive advise for a specific person. Real Chinese Astrology based on the Ba Zi or Zi Wei Dou Shu reading is a complex and logical interpretation based on the full date of birth (year, month, day and the time of birth). Only in such a way may it be considered a reliable forecast that provides maximum information.
Is destiny a synonym of fate?
No, this is not the same.
Fate means everything that has been given to us without the possibility of making a choice. It has been assigned to us by the Supreme Force. For example, this is the family you were given in the world, the environment in which you found yourself, and the people you meet. Destiny means everything you will do with what has been presented to you – so the people you meet, the environment you live in and the choices you make. Destiny is created by you through the will to act and to control your life. It is not written in the stars. You can create your destiny by learning Ba Zi and subsequently take the right decisions or refrain from any doubtful actions, which means such decisions that will help you achieve certain results or avoid any negative consequences.Is Ba Zi analysis accurate?
The interpretation of the Ba Zi chart is extremely accurate in terms of definition of the character traits, abilities, the result of executed activities, and the possible barriers that should be considered. In addition, Ba Zi precisely describes available options in resolving any problem, because it is possible, through the interpretation of a person’s character traits, to show the direction in which they should be oriented based on their reaction to the problematic situation. It is essential that during a consultation the client is honest and genuine in presenting their circumstances, so that I can interpret the existing problem precisely and come up with a constructive solution.
SRP METAHYPNOSES ADVISE provides services within the scope of Clinical Hypnosis and Chinese Metaphysics offering support and advise in the field of health, human relationships, career and finance. I help the client extensively - through listening, conversation, observation, verification, explanation and analysis, so that a complete plan is developed for you and implemented in the real life.
With the use of therapeutic techniques of Clinical Hypnosis I support treatment of numerous psychological and physical ailments. Through the application of Ba Zi, Feng Shui and Qi Men Dun Jia I help to find the source of problems and improve the quality of your life. Each person is unique for me and requires an individual approach. I want everyone to feel better.

Do you have a question about my services? Do you need more information? I am glad to provide you with the advice on your Hypnosis, Ba Zi, Qi Men Dun Jia and Feng Shui requirements.
Sara is a member of and registered hypnotherapist at the
- General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)
and General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC) - Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) in the United Kingdom